05 July, 2011

Conservatives Dominate the Airwaves

"  It is our duty as citizens to not hand over our minds and beliefs to those who seek to capitalize on it"

         In today's world filled with 24 hour cable news, unlimited internet information sources, various newspapers, and immediate access to coverage on any topic around the world sent right to the consumer's mobile device, there is still one means of communication that has lasted for over half a century and provides over 50 million Americans each week with their information; the radio. While the radio has seen a decline in listeners over the years, the radio remains resilient and relevant to the average American, with almost 90% of people over age 12 listening in at least 19 hours per week (1). This is quite an interesting phenomenon due to the various and almost overwhelming amount of accessible, portable, and direct means of disseminating news in today's technologically sophisticated world. But still, the radio remains to be one of the largest providers of information to the news hungry public.
        A study done by the Center for American Progress has concluded that as large of an audience that talk radio reaches, the information on the radio that is disseminated is not necessarily diverse or assorted. In fact, it reveals an alarming statistic. About 90% of talk radio stations air strictly conservative hosts and shows to it's listeners (1). This means that the information that is being spread is not credible due to it's tainted and biased view of the world, whether it be conservative, liberal, or any other ideological viewpoint. According to the study, about 2,824 hours of talk radio is aired daily, and about 2,570 hours of that air time hosts conservative shows, while only 254 hours are devoted to shows that espouse progressive views (1). The disparity between viewpoint accessibility is startling, as various means of access to information is key to developing a broad and informed outlook on the environment one lives in. 
        With this being said, how is it that conservative talk radio has been able to dominate the radio airwaves for so long? This monopoly over the airwaves has in turn given conservative talk show hosts the advantage of virtually no competition for their view on the world. This allows the talking heads to portray the image to the average listener that a majority of Americans agree with their own biased viewpoint. This can be backed up by the overwhelmingly accessible conservative ideology that you can find by scrolling through almost any AM station.
         The Center for American Progress concluded that an explanation for this can be found in some of the recent legislation enacted or disposed of in recent years. According to the Center for American Progress, "the gap between conservative and progressive talk radio is the result of multiple structural problems in the U.S. regulatory system, particularly the complete breakdown of the public trustee concept of broadcast, the elimination of clear public interest requirements for broadcasting, and the relaxation of ownership rules including the requirement of local participation in management" (1). To break this down, the lack of regulation on part by the FCC to ensure that only an allotted time for opinionated stations is not enforced. Meanwhile impartial, unbiased, and ethics based journalism broadcasts are not provided enough airtime or access to local radio markets, leaving an open field for these time slots to be bought by right leaning conservatives in an attempt to push their viewpoint. The dismantling of public interest requirements for broadcasting, aka their removal of requirements for radio stations to air impartial news broadcasts that do not push one viewpoint or another, has left only talking heads to fill the vacuum left by what otherwise could be news broadcasts that uphold integrity while reporting the news. 
         The Center for American Progress also concluded that a lack of diversity in ownership of public radio stations contributes to the imbalance between conservative and progressive radio. A large majority of radio stations are group owned, with a large percentage of those in the group being white, older, conservative, business oriented males. The study concludes that stations owned by minorities, women, or local owners are less likely to air conservative hosts or shows (1).
         Localism also proves to be a key factor in providing objective reporting in an area. These large media organizations who buy rights to these locally marketed radio stations are not local at all- they are usually at least transnational, if not international. This shows the lack of connect between the average listener, and the ones who provide that listener with their information. It's a means to disseminate a particular ideology, a way to influence a local area, a grassroots campaign to further indoctrinate more people into their viewpoint. This is startling that in a democracy this still goes on. Objectivity, honest reporting, and equal access to information are vital to the well being of a democracy. If we have lopsided access to information, or one viewpoint is more heavily pushed than another's we will see a country that is widely misinformed, manipulated, and easily deceived by those who seek to serve only their own self interest.
         It's those with the money who are left to push their view on the airwaves, while public funding for newsworthy shows are left to be demonized and defunded, as a campaign against unbiased news in this country has come to a fever pitch. Recent attempts by the Republican party to defund PBR and PBS has left a clear indicator of their intentions- to have the monopoly on the information provided for the average American. This attack on public broadcasting is just the beginning of the erosion of our democracy. 
        The most frightening aspect of this entire dilemma is the fact that these talk show hosts are able to pass their opinions as facts to their consumers. Even if they don't necessarily say 'this is a fact' or a 'statement', people can and do interpret these know nothing's views on the world as legitimate facts. Even no matter how much information, statistics, reports, or concrete arguments you throw at them, they still align themselves with their comfort zone, their puppet master, the one who feeds them what they want to hear, what satisfies them. It's the ability of conservatism to demonize any and all other forms of news to ensure that their brand of ideology remains relevant to their audience. It's this attack on sensible and credible journalism that gives credence to their view that only what they say can be trusted.
        They want you to believe that it is us verse them, they are wrong we are right, we are America and they are not. This is not what our country was founded on. No viewpoint should be more heavily weighed more than the other. There should be equal access to any and all sources of information, with no relevance to cost, time, or audience. This is the reason there is public broadcasting, to ensure quality, objective, impartial and unbiased reporting is accomplished by those who aim to inform, not to manipulate. 
        Maybe it's just Americans who desire not facts, but rather a cookie cutter ideology they can paste themselves into. Are we to blame for our love of nonsensical dramatics that our politicians and media organization just seek to fulfill? We have to take a look in the mirror and learn to value those that seek not to control, but to inform. Facts and evidence are to be valued, not personal values and morals. A wise man once said ""You're entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts". We should keep in mind that these talking heads, whether they be conservative or progressive are exactly that- talking heads. They are a form of entertainment for us desensitized Americans, and we must remember that demonizing those that aim to objectively report is in itself a politicalization of a key element to our democracy. Civil discourse has made this country great and now we are letting it eat us from the inside out. For all the Limbaughs, Levins, and Savages out there, there are still those that aim to report honestly and with integrity. It is our duty to lend them our ear, and it is our duty as citizens to not hand over our minds and beliefs to those who seek to capitalize on it.

Signing out- John Thomas



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